Add-on Queries


MHRN conducts routine descriptive analyses across all participating sites each quarter. Each site runs a program on its virtual data warehouse (VDW) that produces aggregate tables including member/patient demographics, mental health-related diagnoses and treatments, patient-reported outcomes, and self-harm events and deaths. Each site has access to its own data as well as the aggregate combined data from all sites.  MHRN investigators may request to add data elements on to the routine quarterly queries. Additional data elements must be:

  • in the VDW
  • aggregate only
  • covered by existing IRB approval/exemption

Aggregate data can include:

  • Counts (site and overall)
  • Rates (site and overall)
  • Time trends (site and overall)
  • Means (site and overall)
  • Site-level standard deviations or medians
  • Simple logistic regression

It cannot include:

  • Overall standard deviations or medians
  • Linear regression

Data from add-on queries have been used in publications and grant submissions. Descriptions of completed queries may be viewed in this link:

MHRN Add-on Queries

add-on query request process

Step 1. Investigators must ensure that their request is for VDW data only, aggregate data only, and within existing IRB approval/exemption.

Step 2. If the proposed query meets the above criteria, investigators should contact Chris Stewart ( and Greg Simon ( with a preliminary query, to include:

  • The research question
  • An example to follow, if one exists
  • A table shell

Examples of well-constructed queries

Step 3. Drs. Stewart and Simon will advise about if/how to go forward.


MHRN will request proposals for add-on queries in the first month of each quarter. Data will be available in the last month of the quarter.

Request for proposalsDistributed programmingData availableData inclusive of

Annual QA

MHRN conducts an annual quality assurance (QA) program across all participating sites. The distributed program is run in May-June and data are available in June-July. The annual program is run concurrently with the quarterly descriptive program for data inclusive of Q1.