MHRN Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program


The MHRN T32 Post-Doctoral Fellowship is an NIMH-supported, two-year fellowship program. Aspiring independent researchers are trained broadly in health systems/health services research with a focus on mental health conditions and services, as well as suicide prevention. Areas of particular interest and training are in clinical interventions, healthcare service delivery, big data, implementation science, comorbidities, health equity, and health policy. The overall goal of the program is to support fellows in the transition to becoming independent mental health services researchers able to pursue NIMH-funding to support research within health system settings.

Fellows work locally alongside a primary mentor at HFHS or KPNC. They also receive high-quality mentorship and training from other scientists within multiple formats across the entire MHRN. In addition to one-on-one mentoring in the fellows’ areas of interest, they receive training in grant writing, manuscript development, health systems research methods (e.g., case-control designs, big data science, multi-site trials, dissemination and implementation), quantitative and qualitative methods, ethics, professional/career development, and conducting clinical trials. Teaching opportunities may also be available, as will clinical experiences for those seeking licensure.

Two fellows are enrolled each year. Applicants should have a PhD, MD, or other doctoral degree in a related field. Open to U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled in research or clinical doctoral or postdoctoral programs.

The Program Lead is Brian Ahmedani (HFHS). The Training Directors are Stacy Sterling (KPNC) and Jordan Braciszewski (HFHS).

A full description of the program and the application process can be viewed at .

Current Fellows

Seminar Schedule

seminar materials


For more information about the MHRN Fellowship program, contact